Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2023 | Online Application

Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program was launched during the coronavirus pandemic but has been recently restarted. The program provides 12000 PKR rupees to deserving families.

This Emergency Cash Program is restarted to provide money to poor families before Eid so they can get necessities.

ehsaas emergency program

Make sure to register as quickly as possible before Eid if you are eligible to receive the cash. This Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program aims to provide financial support to poor families. The program is designed and structured to make it easier for the beneficiaries to receive money easily and quickly.

The guide tells you about the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program and everything about it. The details below include the eligibility criteria of the program, its budget, how you can apply, and what you will need to apply to get financial aid.

What Is The Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program All About, And What Is Its Budget?

This Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program 2022 is all about providing cash assistance to needy families living in Pakistan so they can meet their basic requirements. It was first initiated in Coronavirus and is now re-launched to support economically poor families financially.

The budget of the emergency cash program is 144 billion PKR. And is divided into two million families, each receiving 12000 rupees.

What Are The Eligibility Criteria For The Emergency Cash Program?

To be eligible for cash assistance from the Ehsaas Cash program, you must ensure that you are fulfilling the following criteria.

  • You must have to be a citizen of Pakistan.
  • The overall household income of the applicants should be below the poverty line.
  • Those who are government servants or receiving pensions cannot apply for Emergency Cash Programs.
  • If you are applying for the Emergency Cash Program, you have to ensure that you are not already a member of other government programs like the Kafalat Program or the Benazir Income Support Program.
  • You should not own a house or a car in your name.

How To Apply For The Emergency Cash Program?

To apply for the Emergency Cash Program and get cash assistance quickly and easily, follow the steps mentioned below. Understand them attentively so you do not miss any points and can get the money within no time. You can apply:

Via Mobile

  • Send your ID card number to 8171.
  • Wait until you receive a message.
  • Ensure you are sending the number from your sim that is in your name.
  • The message you will receive will inform you about the next steps you must follow.

Online Registration

  • Visit the official website of the Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program.
  • Now fill in the form by providing your personal information.
  • You have to write your CNIC number in the available space and have to attach scanned copies of the necessary documents.
  • Make sure to provide the information correctly and attentively.
  • The documents you will need to attach with the application form are a copy of your utility bills and a copy of your CNIC.
  • Now apply.
  • Wait until you receive a confirmation message.

You will receive a reference number in the confirmation message to inform you that your application has been submitted.

Documents That You Have to Attach With The Application Form

  • Original CNIC card
  • The copy of the front-back CNIC card
  • Current income
  • Monthly income proof
  • Your bank details

Ensure you have all the documents with you before initiating the registration process if you want to register the application easily without any problems.


How will the Ehsaas Team identify beneficiaries?

The needy and poor people who have registered their application for getting the grant will be identified by the Ehsaas teams. Their whole data is checked. And they are also identified by door-to-door visits of the Ehsaas teams to check whether they are really in need or not. After checking the eligibility and getting approval from the Ehsaas team, you can then get this cash assistance.

What documents are required for attaching the registration form for Ehsaas Cash Program?

The documents that you must submit with your application form include a front-back copy of your identity card, current monthly income and its proof, original address, copy of your utility bills, and your bank statement. Ensure the address is the same as the one on the ID card and your bank details.

When will you receive the cash amount from Ehsaas?

As soon as you receive an SMS from Ehsaas that tells you about your eligibility, you can now easily get cash from the Ehsaas Cash Programs. What you have to do is to visit the nearest Ehsaas Centre, show them the message, and get your payment. The Sooner you receive the eligibility message, the sooner you can get the payment.

How can you apply for Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program?

Applying for an Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program is easy and quick; you can apply online or by visiting the official website. For an online application submission, you must send an ID card number to 8171 and follow the steps. On the other hand, you can also apply for the cash program by visiting their website and providing them with your personal information and scanned copies of all the necessary documents.

How can I withdraw money from the Ehsaas Program?

You can withdraw cash from HBL ATM or HBL Konnect agents. You can also draw cash from the Ehsaas program’ designated sites. One thing you must ensure while collecting cash from the ATM is that the ATM is biometric.

Final Thoughts

Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program is one of the effective sub-programs of 8171 Ehsaas Programs that was first launched during the coronavirus pandemic. The program aimed to help needy people deal with the lockdown situation due to the virus. But it has been recently relaunched for the poor people of Pakistan to get financial help from PKR 12000 before EID.

The above-mentioned article tells you everything about Ehsaas Emergency Cash Program, how much cash you will get, where you can apply, and what is the eligibility criteria. The details above also tell you about the list of documents that you should have before applying for the Cash Program. Make sure to read the details so you know what you will need and what steps you must follow to get cash assistance.

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