MoonSighting Pakistan
Monthly Reports
Moon Sighting reports are uploaded on a monthly basis. Reports contain information with pictures and videos.
Hijri Calendar
Five years hijri calendar has been developed. It also shows the start of Islamic months with day and year information.
Islamic Events
Special Islamic days like Ramadan, Eid-al-Fitr, Hajj, Eid-al-Adha, and Rabi-ul-Awal are displayed with dates.
Visibility Maps
These Maps show the visibility after local sunset at every point (latitude and longitude) for a specific date.
Ministry of Science & Technology has launched the moon-sighting website, to halt the moon-sighting controversy in the country
This website is now being updated by Legit Pakistan which provides useful information on similar government programs such as Ehsaas Program.
Latest News
Fawad Chaudhry launches ‘Pakistan’s first official’ moonsighting website 26 May, 2019
Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry on Sunday launched what he said is Pakistan’s “first official” moonsighting website and a calendar showing main Islamic dates and months for the next five years based on scientific evidence.(DAWN)
Settling the moon sighting controversy 11 May, 2019
Each year the country is subjected to the frustrating exercise of “moon sightings” by religious clerics wielding unmerited power to decide when the nation observes a certain religious holiday (PAKISTAN TODAY)
Federal Minister of Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry has a new way to sight the moon 11 May, 2019
In a cryptic tweet on Saturday, the minister proposed appointing imams, or prayer leaders, as government servants between Grade 14 and Grade 16 instead of spending resources on a small group of people (SAMAA TV)
Ministry preparing ‘mobile application’ for sighting of Moon 11 May, 2019
Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry Saturday said his ministry was preparing mobile application for sighting of the moon to end the moon sighting controversy in the country (BUSINESS RECORDER)
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