Brick Rate in Pakistan

The current Brick Rate in Pakistan is Rs. 11-15 per Brick. It was last updated on 07 September, 2023.

brick rate in pakistan

Bricks are by far the most vital element of construction, be it residential or commercial. And the fact that Pakistan is a hub of brick-producing kilns makes it a profitable industry.

Although brick rates are not sky-rocketed in the country, there still are some fluctuations based on the economic conditions and government policies regarding production.

Want to know more about brick rates in Pakistan? Give this guide a quick read and check for yourself.

Standard Size of Bricks in Pakistan

In Pakistan, there is only one standard size for bricks, which is 9 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3 inches tall (9x4x3 inches).

Now, the next question is, how many bricks do you need for a project? Well, although you can always discuss it directly with the contractor, calculating it is pretty simple. All you need to have is the correct dimension of the property.

After this, you can multiply the sq ft of the area by the standard brick size. This makes price estimation relatively easier for people. That being said, the rates differ from the type and category of the brick, so do keep this in mind while making an estimation.

Brick Rates in Pakistan Based on Grades and Categories

Here is a breakdown of the commonly purchased brick grades and type rates across Pakistan. Do consider that you may find a little bit of a difference in price when buying it from a contractor personally.

Type or CategoryPrice Per Brick (PKR)Price Per 1000 Bricks (PKR)Price Per 3000 Bricks (PKR)
Grade A or Awwal151500045500
Grade A (Machine-Made)131300039000
Grade B or Doem12.51250012000
Grade C or Khangari Eent121200039000
Khingar Bricks9900027000
Fly Ash Bricks161600048000
Rora70/ cubic ft

Factors that Affect the Brick Rates in Pakistan

The brick industry is one of the well-known industries in Pakistan, partially because it has unlimited kilns operated by private enterprises. Hence, the prices are always fluctuating. I have tried to bring together some factors that can result in changes in the brick rates in Pakistan.

Raw Material

The first thing that matters in defining the brick rates within Pakistan comes down to the production process, specifically the availability of raw materials. In this case, it is the clay and sand. So, any fluctuation in the rates of these materials would change the brick rates at that time.

Energy Consumption

The second most important thing here to consider is the consumption of energy w.r.t brick kilns. So, any change in the fuel market will eventually influence the brick rates. Mostly, it adds to the overall production cost and final pricing.

Labor Cost

It is pretty obvious that labor cost is a leading factor in determining the brick rates in Pakistan. Within this category, there are sub-division, like skilled workers, production cost, government policies about labor wages, and productivity level. This can also influence market trends.

Transportation Cost

The transportation infrastructure can also add to or reduce the brick rates in the country. This transportation is defined as the area between the manufacturing and construction sites. Hence, it varies from case to case and is largely determined by the fuel prices at that point in time.

Economic Factors

In the end, do consider that economic factors within the country can also influence the rates of bricks. This includes currency exchange, inflation, labor wages, production cost, and demand in the industry or a specific area.

Grading Classifications of Bricks in Pakistan

Here is a complete description of the types of bricks available in the Pakistani market.

  • Grade A is the most expensive and durable category of bricks, with a tint of a reddish color. They are manufactured through a traditional kiln method which makes them better in insulation and strength. Usually, these are used for building property’s foundations and exterior walls.
  • Grade B bricks are the second-graded or some category of bricks, designed for internal walls. The only difference they have from grade A is the color and strength. The shape is more or less the same.
  • Grade C bricks are not burnt through a traditional kiln process, which is why most of them have defective structures. Though they are not the most uniform, companies use them in temporary constructions.

Number of Bricks Required to Construct a House

According to the recent estimate, the number of bricks used in the double-story house construction is as follows.

  • Around 53,000 bricks for a 5-Marla house
  • Around 70,000 bricks for an 8-Marla house
  • Around 90,000 for a 10-Marla house
  • Around 135,000 for a Kanal house


What is the average price of a brick in Pakistan?

On average, a single piece of brick can cost you anywhere between 11 and 15 pkr across Pakistan.

What is the best brick type for construction in Pakistan?

Grade A bricks are the best for construction if you have the budget. They are hard, strong, build a strong foundation and last for decades.

How to estimate the number of bricks for a single wall?

To estimate the number of bricks you would require for building a wall, calculate the area of the wall. Next, multiply it by 60, and this is the number of bricks you need. It is always ideal to keep some extra bricks for emergency situations.

Is there any alternative to bricks in Pakistan?

Yes, blocks are often used instead of bricks in Pakistan. They are made up of cement, feel hollow, and offer a quick construction process. However, they are not as hard and thermal resistant as bricks are.

Brick rates are fundamental in determining the cost of a construction project. So, if you are involved in any such small or large-sized project, it is always better to keep up with market trends. I hope, after reading this guide, you have some idea of the price estimation.

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